A Commentary: Breathing Together Now

  • Timothy Choy University of California, Davis
Keywords: air, atmosphere, breath, conspiracy, methods


It is a challenging and important time to breathe together. A reflection on the timeliness and resonance of the thematic collection "Breathing Late Industrialism."

Author Biography

Timothy Choy, University of California, Davis

Tim Choy is an Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies and an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Davis. His interests include ecological discourses and practices, emergent politics of air and breath, questions of form, and collaboration. He is the author of Ecologies of Comparison: An Ethnography of Endangerment in Hong Kong, which won the Rachel Carson Prize from the Society for Social Studies of Science. 


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Global Tuberculosis Report 2020. Geneva: World Health Organization.

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Grant, Sonia. 2020. “Aggregate Airs: Atmospheres of Oil and Gas in the Greater Chaco.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 6:534–554.

Kenner, Alison. 2020. “Scrapping the Workshop of the World: Civic Infrastructuring and the Politics of Late Industrial Governance.”

Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 6:514–533.

Mbembe, Achille (2020). “The Universal Right to Breathe.” In the Moment (Critical Inquiry blog). April 13. https://critinq.wordpress.com/2020/04/13/the-universal-right-to-breathe/.

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10 Nov 2020
Thematic Collections